Whom does the AiD project help?

"AiD- Ankommen in Deutschland" (Arriving in Germany), supports asylum seekers with uncertain prospects of remaining in Germany. The first steps are often difficult. We would like to support and provide them with the necessary skills to be able to live safely in their new environment.


Our services are therefore aimed at individuals, families, children, unaccompanied adolescents and people in need of special protection who are in the process of being granted asylum, have a valid residence permit but have not yet been granted a permanent residence permit.



What do we offer?

German language courses

We offer German language courses for adults who are not entitled to an integration course. We hold courses for beginners and advanced learners. The vocabulary is based on everyday life. It covers topics such as shopping, visits to the doctor and many more.


The courses take place twice a week in small groups. During the course hours, we offer free childcare. 

Social counseling

You do not yet understand our language very well but need support in:


- Filling out forms and applications for the social office

- Arranging appointments with government offices and authorities

- Writing letters or mails to insurance companies, authorities or something else?


We can help you! Of course it is free of charge, competent and confidential.


We are also happy to accompany you to offices, authorities, kindergartens, schools or even the doctor.


 For the children and teenagers participating in our project, we offer tutoring in German, mathematics and, if desired, other school subjects.

The lessons take place in small groups of up to 3 students. Classes are held from Monday to Friday between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., but on request, classes can also be held at other times. Tutoring is free of charge.


 We offer excursions for the whole family to get to know the city of Bremerhaven better, for example a visit to the zoo or a harbour tour by bus or ship.


To strengthen the community ties, we also offer play afternoons, cooking, handicrafts or just having a nice little round of coffee or tea and chat to each other.



In the workshop and information events, the focus is placed on school topics. This is inteded to enable parents to gain an early insight into their children's everyday school life, for example to identify school problems as early as possible or to prevent them from arising in the first place.

How to find us?


Pädagogisches Zentrum e.V.

Elbinger Platz 1

27570 Bremerhaven, Germany

Phone: +49 471 / 30 05 49 30

Mail: aid@paedz.de


Opening hours

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 08:00 am - 3:30 pm




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